Twisted-pair cable with etherCOM connectors on cable reel
Category: CAT6A
Available lengths: 50m, 70m, 95m

Twisted-pair cable with etherCOM connectors
Category: CAT5E, CAT6, CAT6A
Available lengths: 0,5m, 1m, 2,5m, 5m, 10m, 30m, 40m

Applications: mixers, mixracks and stageracks Allen&HealthdLive, Allen&Heath Avantis, Allen&Heath SQ, YAMAHA CL, YAMAHAQL< YAMAHA RIO, Midas M, Behringer X, Behringer Wing, SSL L-series,Avid S3L, Avid S6L, Soundcraft Si, Soundcraft Vi (with Ethercon sockets), AES10-2008 (MADI over Enthernet), AES50, AES67, Super-MAC, LED screens, HDMI extenders, HDBase-T, Art-Net, etc.